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Contributor Information


Jim Farley
Vice President
Galdos Systems
Vancouver, Canada

Short Biography

Jim Farley leads Strategic Marketing and Sales for Galdos Systems. Prior to joining Galdos, Jim developed strategic initiatives in partner relations and enterprise business integration as VP for Strategic Market Development at Leica Geosystems. Jim also led initiatives in raster technology, hosted location-based services and the integration of location technologies with mainstream business applications at Oracle. Farley is co-founder and former Technical Director of the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST). He served as Chief Technology Officer and Research Professor in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas with faculty appointments in Geosciences, Environmental Dynamics, Middle Eastern Studies and Anthropology. Farley has published more than 100 articles, book chapters and monographs on topics including open standards, enterprise technology, disaster management and geospatial applications. Farley received a Smithsonian Laureate for his work in distributed spatial data warehousing for government in 1999 and he is a founder of the Open Geospatial Consortium.


Member for
3 years 40 weeks

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